Touch is as vital to our existence as food. It is the first sense we develop, our first and most primal communication, and the only sense without which we cannot survive.
— Alaine Duncan, Tao of Trauma

Call/Text: +1 (231) 492-0214
Schedule: Request an appointment

Policies + Practices

  • Gratuity

    I do not depend on gratuity, but if you are able to offer it, please do!

    It supports my ability to offer sliding scale rates to folks without access to financial abundance.

  • Mutual Aid

    Sliding scale rates available for all services. Please ask!

  • Cancellation

    Barring sickness or emergency, late cancellations (less than 48 hours) will be responsible for 50% of service fee.

  • Solidarity

    This is a safe space for all people.